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Excess amount cannot be more than R25 000.00
Pickup date needs to be today or a later date.
Return date cannot be earlier than the pickup date or 30 days after the pickup date.

Jurisdiction of cover: The Excess Buy Down Cover shall only insure the policy holder against the excess payable on the rental vehicle hired through a Car Rental Company within the borders of The Republic of South Africa and only for an insured event that occurs within the borders of The Republic of South Africa

Did you know?
You are liable for large excess payments in the
event of an accident or incident in a rental
Courtesy car
Pay a small once-off premium to CarSure before renting a vehicle.
Courtesy car
An Unfortunate accident or incident occurs in the rental vehicle.
Courtesy car
Your rental excess is covered by CarSure, up to an amount of R25,000
Our product offering
Courtesy car
Funeral Courtesy car
Warranty Courtesy car
Courtesy car
Funeral Courtesy
Warranty Courtesy
Contact us
129 Rivonia Road, Sandton
The Marc, Tower 2
0861 227 784